Getting your cat into a carrier for a vet visit can be stressful for the owner and the cat. Ideally, the carrier would stay out and be a part of the normal furniture of the room. They are very sensitive to smell, and there would be a lot of strange smells on the carrier coming from different parts of the house. You can keep a familiar blanket or favorite toy in the carrier. Whenever you see the cat go into the carrier, reward them with a treat. The best carriers are ones that are hard, can be opened at the top, and when the top can easily be removed. Feline pheromones (Feliway) can also be used to help with the stress/anxiety of traveling. Start by being in an enclosed room. If needed, you can wrap the cat in a towel like a burrito to get them in the carrier.

Click here for more tips on getting your feline friend to the vet.